Stressed about getting pregnant

Hello all. So when my husband and I tried for our first baby it happened extremely fast. After my son was born I went in Mirena. I took my Mirena out on Halloween 2014 and then found out the day before thanksgiving that I have MS. Getting pregnant is a bit more dire now seeing how I'm waiting to start medication until after having a baby. I told my doctors obviously I'm not going to wait forever and that if it takes too long I'll have to give up my dream of having 2 kids and will instead start a treatment plan for my MS. I'm stressed out to the max (which I'm sure isn't helping me get pregnant) but I've also heard horror stories about people taking a while to get pregnant after Mirena. My cycles used to be 28 days now they're like 42. So frustrating. I'm going to make an appt with my OBGYN soon just looking for advice or stories to help me not stress so much about this :/