Want to feel like a princess too

Hey ladies! 
Ok this is my story...I have been with my boyfriend/ my bestfriend for a year and 5 months. I love him and I'm ready to be a wife and not only play the part of a wife. I always send h pictures of the perfect ring like #hinthint lol but he seem to brush me off. Like its never a topic he wants to talk about 😒 I feel like he could just get married to me without a ring n think that will be fine or maybe just a wedding band! Now come on ladies which girl don't want him to get down on his knees with a beautiful ring?...Well me! But he seem to not get the importance of how special a lady can feel about her ring. (Diamond is a girls bestfriend and it sure is my birth stone 😜) Soooo what do you gals think I should do? Stop with the hints or just wait until he think is the right time?