I can't believe him Rant

I just asked my husband to change our daughters diaper after about 2 minutes of waiting he finally changes her he goes to change her and says to me how am I suppose to change her with no diaper I tell him go grab a diaper then he says so I have to change her and grab a diaper I said yes . It is not that fricken hard to grab a diaper and change her then once he finds out its poop he wants me to start wiping while he holds her legs so.I say to him why can't you so he says ok then you hold her legs then he starts wiping her while im holding her legs up I just sometimes cant believe its that hard for him to change her by himself at times when I can do it all by myself it amazes me how mich help he needs at time juat to take care of our daughter thats only 2 Im really getting tired of his laziness and he seams sometimes to lack the know how on how to do simple things , like if I ask.him to help me finish cleaning he will look at the room that obviously has clutter still needed to be cleaned and ask me what needs to be done, and it isnt like he does alot he has online school so he has no reason to be tired from going out and spends most of his time either making food for himself,playing video games on his phone or computer , or xbox or being on fb I would honestly leave for a couple of days to go somewhere if I had the money to I wouldn't leave him just apend a few days apart ao he could realize that im upset