Porn! Porn! Porn! I hate it!

I came home on my lunch to surprise my husband & let him know that I miss him. I found him talking to someone on a porn website. He hid the phone from me at first but I eventually was able to get it from him.

I asked him why is he doing this to our marriage, I asked him if I satisfied him.

He was quite and did not respond. I wanted to explode and scream at him but I didn't. I wanted to know why? What am I doing wrong? Am an attractive person. Ironically our conversation the night before was about me having sex with other men & if he saw a video of me doing this he will not get angry. He came up with the scenerio. I asked him so if you saw me having sex with someone else you won't get mad. He said, No. I can't believe this.

What am I doing wrong? Am I too naive to see what's coming?

Should I turn in my towel & ring? I thought we were happily married.