Extreme cramping on right side

Alia • Mommy to the most amazing 3yr old boy 💙⚽️🏀🎮⚓️ now we're on Team pink 💅🏽🌸🎀💝👑
Hey ladies, 
As of yesterday at around 5am I woke up due to cramping on my right side. Feels extremely uncomfortable but I just assumed that it's legitimate pain? However, the pain has not eased off and I still have it today. It's a little bit worse, but no burning when I use the bathroom, no blood and no other symptoms. I'm 11 weeks and 3 days and this is my second baby. Ive already had an ultrasound at 7 weeks due to spotting and everything was perfect. Not sure what to do!!!? Any advice or similar stories will help! I don't know if I should be worried and get checked or if this is normal. My first pregnancy was a breeze and this one is the complete opposite. Thank you all!