
I don't what to start any debates! I just don't honestly have anyone else to ask besides my husband because the rest of our family is supper religious and wouldn't understand. 
 My husband and I have been actively trying NOT to get pregnant. We've taken all the precautions  I had the nexaplanon implant and we used condoms and if we didn't use condoms we got plan b within 24 hours always and I used glow to help track my fertile days.. Well somewhere in all of that precautions I'm pregnant.  
And I don't know if I want to keep going with this pregnancy. I'm still very early and have been thinking a lot about abortion and I think that might be the choice we chose. 
I honestly don't know what to ask you ladies, I'm just really needing some reassurance as to what I should do ( even though it's my decison to make)