Giving money or other things to the homeless.

Cristina • 25, Married, ♡♡♡♡
Today I went to Starbucks and saw this man with a cardboard sign saying he was homeless and would appreciate any help somebody would give. I had just cashed my check and got my coffee and I just felt bad that I was driving a car with the a/c and this guy had to sit out there in the hot  burning texas sun while begging for things. I pulled over grabbed a bag and put some water bottles, granola bars, some coupons, and the change I got back from buy Starbucks and took the bag to the guy. He looked so sad and took the bag and said thank you. I just feel so bad b/c I have so many things and I take them for granted. Now I know some people have lied just to get extra money and I pray this guy isn't that way, but it broke my heart to see that guy and just opened my eyes and made me appreciate this frappe I get to drink a whole lot more.. 💔😔