7 weeks and I can't seem to eat anything!

Any ladies want to give some advice on natural remedies for being nauseated? I usually have a very healthy diet but my "morning sickness" is all day long and I can't work out because it makes me nauseated. I can only eat saltine crackers, broth and soup. I tried a richer broth today at lunch with avocado and cucumbers on the side and was massively ill. I also can't seem to tolerate any sort of meat or eggs. (Sad for a bacon-aholic!)
I'm worried that if this continues I will gain bad weight and put the baby at risk. I'm also trying to drink more water but it's hard because I feel sick all the time. It's also affecting my sleep- I can't seem to sleep past 3-4 am without waking up sweaty and nauseated despite when I sleep.
What are your experiences? Thanks!