He's driving me crazy. Please help me

Jennifer • Had baby girl
My bf is driving me crazy lately. He's so needy and touchy Feely. He always has to have a kiss and not just a peck he wants tongue. He always has to be touching like holding my hand or when we're in bed he wants me right next to him touching him. He wants me facing him so he can"hold"me. If I'm not talking all the time he thinks something is bothering me even when I tell him I'm fine. I'm not a touchy Feely talk all the time person. I need my space and my me time. Don't get me wrong I love him but he's driving me crazy. If I say anything to him about how I feel he gets upset thinks something is wrong with him or something like that. I don't even want sex right now and he doesn't seem to understand that. I have to force it most days just so he doesn't feel neglected. Maybe it's just my hormones I don't know some advice please??