What would you do? (Lookinf for advice)

So below is my situation & I'd like to know what you would do if it were you.... 
I made an appointment with my doctor at 5pm tonight (Thursday) but her earliest isn't until Monday! Originally I made the appointment as I think I may have a UTI (pain during urination for 2 days & frequency has increased dramatically over the last 4-5days) plus I seem to have had an excessive amount of discharge over the last week compared to earlier weeks, which was already more than usual. 
My issue now is that over the last 2hrs my chest has begun to tighten, although my breathing is still ok - used my inhaler to be safe - but more worryingly I have a sharp stabbing pain on my lower left abdomen. It honestly feels like Somebody keep trying to jab a blunt needle through my skin! I also have pain on my upper right side but since I know I have gallstones I just put it down to that. I have taken 2 panadeine forte 35min ago & they seem to be slightly easing the pain on upper right but the stabbing pain has not eased off at all. 
I tried moving from sitting on the couch to lying down in bed with no relief. I cannot lie on my left at all as it increases the pain & lying on my back causes shooting pains through my lower back & causes me to feel excessively nauseous - this is a new thing. To top it all off I can feel a bloody migraine coming on! 
Would it be totally paranoid of me to go to hospital tonight or ahould I just ride it out? What would you do? 

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