Feeling over this!

Cara • Expecting our first baby Jan 1st 2016! Married my best friend after 8 years together 10/10/14.
AF is due 4/22. Had a positive OPK 4/7 which would be normal for me because it was day 12 of my cycle which seems to be when I usually ovulate. That night and the following day I had gas and cramping in my lower abdomen so I thought it was ovulation related. I thought I'd be 3 DPO now but my BBT chart doesn't show a spike in my temperature. My temp has been the exact same for the last 3 days. I'm very frustrated.  Of course my sister as well as my sister in law and best friend are all pregnant. We aren't telling anyone we are trying so it's hard because I can't talk to anyone. I thought it would be easy for us. My mom as well as my sister got pregnant first try with every child. My mother in law got pregnant all 8 times first try. I haven't been trying that long but it's annoying because I thought I'd be lucky too and I'm realizing other than having sex every other day and charting it's out of my hands. The fact that my BBT isn't matching what should be going on threw me over the edge. I'm sure others can relate. Just had to let that out since I can't talk to anyone about what's going on and I've been holding it in. End rant lol.