
Katie • Married, mom to three beautiful girls. Nori - 12/23/2009 Ashtyn - 4/16/2012 Emerson - 8/4/2015
Sorry, this may be a long post! I'm expecting baby #3 this August. My first two were smooth sailing pregnancies, no issues what so ever. Fast, easy labors. Now, this one is throwing me for a loop! I'm only 20 weeks, but as of 15 weeks showing early signs of preeclampsia. I drink plenty of water, eat healthy and have only gained 6lbs total. I try to be active, but per my doctor I need to start taking it easy. Light activity with periodic rests. I work in an office, M-F, 8-5 but I'm not constantly sitting so I get a good amount of sit and walking, it's about 50/50. I feel like I'm doing everything I should be but its getting worse. I swell first thing in the mornings, it comes and goes. My blood pressure has been 142/84 (or around that) at my last few appointments. And now any little thing gets me out of breath. Even grocery shopping makes me feel like I just ran a marathon! I've continued to up my water, and eating more fruits and veggies, lean meats and such. But it's just not letting up. I'm so worried I'll be put on bed rest. And with 2 little ones that'll be near impossible. Now that I've rambled, my question is for anyone who's had preeclampsia, what are some things you've done to alleviate symptoms? I feel like I'm doing all I can with no luck.