I had a miscarriage in July 2014, my due date was 2/16/15. So the grief and pain is very much still fresh & raw. My SO is a twin and his twins gf is 6 months pregnant. I love her and we are very close she is very understanding about my MC. However her baby shower is coming up in June and though we are close I told her I will not be attending & will still get gifts but not be there. She completely understands. There are underlying issues she is having the first grand daughter of the family and the family praises and adores her. Some family member don't care for me which doesn't bother me. But my SO is being what I consider insensitive he wants me to attend knowing I am super sensitive about the issue. He said I think the world revolves around me because if I was a real friend I would go even if my feelings are hurt. Am I in the wrong for not attending or should I "suck it up" ?