Guess I'm an April 2015 now

Water just broke at 130 this morning. My due date was May 2nd but this little girl wants to meet us earlier ! I'm really excited. After researching you'll definitely know when it breaks. I didn't hear a pop and contractions didn't start right away, still haven't really gotten one. I'm 2cms very low and about 90% effaced. Went pee and came back to bed and felt fluid gushing out. And wouldn't stop. Kind of feel like your period a little. I didn't really smell it, since I knew what it was, took my time getting ready and made it to the hospital, just waiting to see what happens now. For all those who wanted to know about water breaking, I definitely researched it and asked a lot of questions about it, and now having gone through it, you definitely will know. My contractions right now just feel like horrible menstral cramps. So I'll keep everyone posted ! And good luck to anyone else giving birth :)