I don't like where I'm at. Please help

I'm a freshman year in community college. My whole life I dream of going to four year university. I did got accepted to many colleges but my parents forced me to go community college because they don't want me to go far from them since I'm the only child. And I also love my parents a lot so I didn't want to go against them. But it been a year in community college and I hate every minute of it. I tried to make it up with joining clubs,internship,volunteer works and many many things for me to enjoy this place. But everytime I saw my friend or heard them talk about other colleges I know how much I don't want to be here espicually that I don't have any friend close friend in my hometown anymore since everyone left for college so all I do is go to school and work . I feel like it's eating me alive everyday. I tried to talk to my parents how stressed I am because I just know I belong somewhere else I want to go to my dream college. Is there any advice for me like how can I transfer after one year? And how can i pursasive my parents?