Dog stress (vent)

First off thanks for taking tome to read... Im 29 weeks about to be 30 and i am so stressed out. Our apartment isnt ready ( long story short we moved out thinking our new apart would be ready and only have to stay at my inlaws for a week but it has now turned into almost month) and we are living in her cold dark basement, i heard it was beautiful out today but i have no idea cuz theres no windows. I have two dogs a husky and a beagle mix. The husky was having episodes of epilepsy a seizure once a month but the doctors didn't want to put him on meds yet because they cause liver problems and other issues it is also a life time thing. Well the other day he had a long seizure longer than usualy 2 min and 15 sec. And then the next day he had 3 more. They ended up deciding to put him on meds. Everytime these things happen i shake, my hands tremble and i get so scared, theres really nothing you can do but wait til its over. We love him, hes only 3 years old and im scared that one day he wont come out of the seizure. The meds are not a cure they only help. But theres a chance it might not work. Im scared for our other dog too as he is only one year old and always trying to play, he crys and flips out every time the seizures happen. Its very hard and now we have to give him meds twice a day which he doesnt like to take, hes only been on it for two days and he doesnt seem himself, sometimes he acts as if he doesnt know where he is. I dont know what to do, its hard on me and i can feel my stomach tighten everytime i get so stressed out i know its not healthy, and im scared for when the baby comes and for when our apartment is ready because i know all that adds on stress to the dogs and that might mean more seizures for him. Its also very expensive for medicine and blood tests with epilepsy. So much is going on in my head and i dont know what to do. Im scared to be with him alone i cannot remain calm its hard to watch him go to a seizure and have to time it and jusy hope it stops soon. I am also very paranoid now because i dont know if its going to happen again or if he doesnt remeber who we are after he wakes up from it.  :/