Thoughts on waking baby or letting sleep?

Due to breastfeeding issues I have switched to pumping and bottle feeding just today during our last feeding. It has been rough with a very upset baby. The question is....there seem to be a lot of people who say "dont wake them up" and others who say to wake then up. Now I don't want to let him sleep too much so I cankeep  track. I also plan on continuing to get up and pump every 2 hrs so I can get a good stash started. It isnt like I want to just get extra sleep and be a slacking mother or anything like that! I want to be able to supply for my little man. Sometimes I can pump 3oz and sometimes 2oz. And it seems he wants 3oz. (He is a week and a couple days old). So what are your thoughts on the sleeping baby thing? I hear there is no establishing routine within the first month. If he sleeps for an extra hour or 2, at night....will this cause an issue with his growth if he takes the bottle well and drinks it all up good? Blah! FTM here and learning.