Worried but excited!

I had a miscarriage in February at 4w5d and the doctor told us to wait for 2 cycles before trying again. Well we made it a point to avoid my fertile days, I had sushi, drank alcohol, did everything I shouldn't have done because we were going to start TTC next month and then I noticed I was 2days late. My husband made me promise not to test till Wednesday, which would make me 5 weeks if we were, which would pass when we miscarried last time, well of course I had to break my promise... I had to know! I got a BFP! I'm feeling so much better than I was last time and now that I look back I noticed the symptoms I was having that I wasn't paying attention to because we weren't TTC this month. Now I'm worried that I didn't take care of myself this past month!😔 but I am soooo excited! Going to tell him Tuesday night since he isn't expecting to find out till Wednesday.