Blood pressure drama

Kat • I am a Texan abroad with my sweet hubby and a beautiful 19 month old daughter and trying to conceive our second child.
I am 38+2 and have been doing really well aside from high BP issues 2 weeks ago that went away. But today my hubby and I were at lunch and I started feeling horrible so we swung by the clinic and my BP was high again. My doc told me to go have fetal monitoring done at our hospital. That was a long hour of waiting and staring at a fetal monitor. Baby finally started moving again after being still all day (usually a wild child) and they keeps asking me if I was having stomach pain (in Spanish, so I didn't know they were asking about contractions). Turns out I am having mild contractions every 1-2 minutes. Who knew? They said they don't mean anything until they are super strong. So baby is fine, my BP is down already, and they told me to just rest and wait for labor to start. I am so ready to meet this kiddo already! Anyone else having lots of mild contractions/cramping and playing the waiting game?