Were you checked every appointment?

Elizabeth • Mommy of one beautiful girl, and twin boys (:
Meaning being checked, did you hve to pee in a cup every appointment? I have only been checked once my whole pregnancy. And that was my very first appointment. I'm going on 31 weeks, and haven't been checked again. My first pregnancy, I had to go in a cup at every appointment. I'm honestly getting nervous now about this hospital. I love my doctor, I really do. But my husband and I decided to give birth at a normal hospital instead of the military hospital. He doesn't trust any doctors there, and it's no guarantee that my doctor is the one delivering anyway. And now, not being checked for anything, it's making me even more nervous. Even when I said I had pressure and pinching feeling, she never checked for dilation, or to even see what my cervix is doing. Just said its round ligament pain. I remember by this point in pregnancy, I was checked twice. The only thing they have done for my cervix was a colposcopy. At the beginning of pregnancy. Had some spotting afterwards, but was never checked. At my last appointment, my heart rate was a little high. Do you think they will start checking now? I'm going to ask my doctor regardless of they start or not. But I figured with twins they would be cautious.