Must think im stupid

Tmirane • You say you want a revolution...

To believe what he says, honestly.

So the bf gave me passwords to his fb and left his phone open for me after catching him cheating as a way to get forgiveness faster... well anyways after a month I decided to snoop through his phones, the first one I noticed a text using && a lot instead of and/&/n which I know is not common, so I called him out on it and he says oh its one of his friends from high school...

I didn't believe that, why? Because his high school friend did text him under a different number and she didn't use that double punctuation &&, so I ask to see his work phone and he immediately spazzes and tries to make me forget about it with distractions so I keep pushing "let me see it" and he says he'll show me, he tries to show me the texts from his high school friend but im like no, I want to see the messages from the number I saw on your personal phone and... All those messages have been deleted... Funny

So I make him call the number and he's not too happy; as soon as she answers he takes it off speaker phone and tries to talk to her like she's his high school friend asking her about her work, then he'll call her later, then he's angry at me because it was awkward...

He keeps saying it's the girl from high school, but he has messages from her that aren't deleted... and the texts are always sent between when he leaves home and before I get home or after I go to sleep...

So I looked at his phone again, more deleted messages