Left my so super long venting

Kylee • Mommy to a little boy💙
I'm seven months pregnant and I left my so tonight. Things were amazing in the beginning and I fell so in love so fast. He has a baby from a previous relationship also. We moved in with each other fairly quickly and I found out I was expecting in November. We ended up getting a house together and not much later I ended up losing my job due to being pregnant literally my work wouldn't accept my dr notes and I ended up being in the er three times because of morning sickness and twice for bleeding. He has always worked for his family business and he seemed excited for our new bundle of love. We both started getting stressed out and things got worse between us. Between my hormones and his temper it got bad and quick. It was just arguing at first and then it would get physical he would block me from leaving or grab me and put me against the wall or not let me leave when I needed to mind you in pregnant. I would shove him and he would push me down I would hit him and run but never got out the door o tried calling the cops and he smashed my phone he's punched me in the head and squeezed my arms so hard they were bruised severely. Things after the first time got better for a while and the turned sour again we don't agree on a parenting style and we pretty much have his little boy 24-7.. He didn't think that either of them needed to pick up after themselves and I have sciatica so it makes it hard I walk bend and pretty much do anything physical he told me that I'm pregnant not handicapped and since I'm not working I can pick everything up because it's not like I work all day. Absolutely had no sympathy for what I'm still going through. It gets worse things go from physical to mentally abusive he tells me daily multiple times how much he hates me and how I should die and kill myself how I'm his biggest mistake that I'm a fat ugly whore and nobody loves me not even my family. I hear it all the time and I know he's just saying these things because he isn't happy with himself but it sticks in your head after awhile. In the middle of all this we did have some good days not everything was terrible but his family business ended up shutting down and now we both have no job and instead of looking for a new one he decides to play Xbox all day and night literally he slept maybe 4 hours in six days no joke. It went to the extreme where I tried to take his controller away and he went after me. He threatens to kill himself all the time. I've even involved his parents on this to get him help because he won't listen to me and they don't do anything they even know about him hitting me. He's had a last with drugs and addiction is high in his entire family..  Because there is no way any one not taking back drugs can stay up like that. He told me today that his game is how he deals with things. I know it's just an excuse well last night I woke until to bin telling me how it's sucks waking up to someone everyday that you hate. That was the last straw for me and I told him I was leaving which I had told him numerous times before hoping he would change. I was serious today I called my aunt to get boxes because she owns a family bar and she sent my grandpa and a family friend to help me which I didn't know but being 7 months pregnant it was nice to have help. My so ended up leaving right before I left to get boxes and I told him I'd be moved out by tomorrow. I guess he didn't believe me he came back freaking out screaming saying it's his house and they can't be there mind you it's both of our names and literally everything in the house is mine besides his Xbox and his one TV he almost punched my 77 year old grandpa his dad randomly shows up who I had been telling him all week that my so is far from mentally stable and he needs real help gets involved and threatens the cops and my so didn't care my grandpa convinced the dad not to call because my so doesn't need that on top of everything and he doesn't want I see him get in trouble and that he understands that he's mad and upset... My so and i went inside to talk and he said everything is my fault and I'm only leaving because he lost his job and I'm ripping our family apart and my kid will never have a Normal life and how I'm such a pos for doing this and that I never loved him all this stuff.. I want him o get help we both need it after this I want to try therapy anything to make this work. I honestly think he is a manic depressant because his highs are high and his lows are extremely low and he told me once I leave its over and he will never be with me again and that I'm just like his ex. I'm so hurt my heart is broken but I was in such a bad situation and I don't want my son living in an unhappy home. I want my family to work but so much needs to change I'm staying at my moms tonigh but I have so much to do at our home together. I love him I do I just don't know what else I can do my heart hurts. Help!