Cutting your parents out of your life semi/permanently? Anyone done this?

Rose • Spoken word/slam poet who is working to compete nationally. I love coffee, books, and babies. Obsessed with Breaking Bad
I have recently begun feeling, again,  that maybe cutting my parents out of to life permanently is a good decision. There is a lot of weight behind either staying in a relationship full of boundaries with them (like I have been trying to do for the last 5+ years) or leaving. Neither is easy. 
I was emotionally/mentally/religiously absurd growing up. I ran away from 19 when I couldn't handle it anymore and have been dealing with the consequences ever since. I made the right decision 100% to leave. I've always struggled to feel loved and wanted by them. It's as though they have a checklist of things they wish me to be and I will never meet that list. 
Calling them (I live 2,000+ miles away for the last year) always drains me completely. I try to change the conversation topics and they still find ways to make me feel bad (I.e. My career choice, kids, college, body hair, etc etc etc). It's never ending. I do love them. Thinking about cutting them out hurts. Then I think about the whole list of people I would have to avoid or deal with this about. 
I feel miserable either way. 
I almost cut them out when I got married. It was one of the most unloving moments of my life from them and I was done. But then they came around and started being better. Now they are back to crossing the boundaries I set up. I am at my wits end.