I just want to take a moment to appreciate my fiancé...

Marjorie • "Just staying on it I guess, long as she can."
I'm sure every woman that has gone through or is going through this amazing/terrifying/beautiful/painful journey of pregnancy and motherhood, has questioned themselves at some point. Am I cut out for this? Will my life become unrecognizable? Will my body still be beautiful?
I know that, personally, I've experienced all of it, and more. It has been quite a rollercoaster since I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks. My fiancé and I weren't planning on getting pregnant for another couple of years, but someone/something/life had other plans. We fought, we cried, we were silent. Then one day, we started smiling again. We found each other once more, even though we had been in the same room the entire time.
I come from a long line of strong women. Women who had to do whatever they could to get by whether someone was there to support them or not. In my world, there weren't any men around to admire or look up to. Quite frankly, I didn't think they existed... until I met Brandon. I know that if I had to go through this journey alone, I would make it. But I also know that my fiancé is standing by my side/always has his hand extended to help me up/is still in awe of my beauty at 8 months pregnant and I have no doubt that together, we will raise a man to admire and look up to. For that, I would gladly ride any rollercoaster that comes our way.