Help ladies please!! Been in so much pain for 2 days

Well im 36weeks 6 days tomorrow ill be 37weeks since yesterday morning at about 10:30 am ive been having horrible pain in my pelvic area, so I thought they were real contractions so i got up walked around back and forth to see if they would go away but they didn't they seemed to increase... So what I did was i went to take a shower to see if that would ease my pain....nope made them worse too so before I decided to go to the hospital i tried al little walk, they got really strong to were i was crying! So i called my mom and she took me to the ER, when i got there they hooked me up to the machine and watched my contractions sky rocket. They were 5-7 minutes apart, so the nurse check me for dialation and...........NOTHING????? Didn't make any sence i was in horrible pain and they sent me home because I wasn't dialated. Ive been hurting all day and all this morning as well dose this means im dialating and it's almost time??? Because i cant take this pain