Fighting with SO eve before c section

I need to vent a bit...I am scheduled for a c section tomorrow morning and my partner is working until about midnight. We have had many an argument and discussion about visitors after the baby. Well, I didn't want anyone up while we were in the hospital (family and friends out of state) and we finally compromised on his parents coming up while I'm in the hospital but I asked specifically for the first day as a family of three. He seemed to agree and said his mom was coming up tonight but we wouldn't see her. She dropped by unannounced after I got home from work, which led me to ask my partner to make sure to tell them to call before coming to the hospital. I didn't want them coming tomorrow. He basically flipped out on me and continues to claim that I hate his parents which isn't true. None of my family is even coming!! Anyway, I just feel like my needs aren't being attended to at all, and I'm alone and anxious about all of this as it is. Guess I'm just looking for some support.