Getting inpatient...

💙Shadoe✨ • Just conceived our rainbow baby:) M/C in March 14 & chemical November 14... Going to marry the man of my dreams<3 After 14 months of trying finally got our BFP 8/7/15! Praying for a sticky baby🚼
June will be 1 year since I got off of depo an we started TTC. Of course I've been impatiently waiting my bfp in this time, but I also know it can take up to a year to conceive when coming off of depo. I'm real starting to get impatient even more tho... It'd been long enough trying just ready to get that bfp! Hopefully this is the month tho... I'm on the last day of my fertile window, bout to start my 2ww. I feel like this was a successful ovulatory cycle. Minor cramping, egg white cm, increased sex drive, heightened emotions... All signs when I ovulate. And I've had several baby dreams. I know it doesn't define anything but I have a "feeling" that this is our month... Maybe that's just me I've excited... Maybe its for real! I can't wait tho.! Anyone else get a feeling then end up pregnant? I know none of this defines pregnancy so no rudeness please.. Thoughts, and experiences welcome:)