
Hi all. I am 8 weeks 3 days with our second child. I am having severe anxiety about a lot of small things. It's causing sleeplessness and moodiness. My doctor seems to think my anxieties are caused by my last delivery which was an extremely traumatic situation for me and for my husband. We had an emergency csection because they could no longer detect a heart beat after being in labor for a couple of hours. I was able to feel them make the first incisions because when they decided to do the operation I hadn't had my epidural for very long and they didn't have time to test it, so they put me under. My husband was not allowed in the OR but he could hear me scream from the incision and I didn't get to see my child for 6 hours after he was born because he was in the NICU after his birth. It was scary because it all happened so fast and I was alone and scared. I thought I had worked through all of this after he was born. I don't know how to deal with it now that all of these emotions are back. Sorry this is long. I don't know exactly what I'm looking for by posting this. I just thought it would be nice to reach it to some other ladies who could relate.