I just needed to rant.

So I'm a babysitter for where I live. And to be honest probably the "biggest" as in everyone uses me; and books me...
Well I just found out I'm about 8 weeks pregnant, and I've let most of them know, BUT they keep requesting me and wanting me to bust my ass for them and always work for them... 
Like one lady, wants me to work every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning(me having to wake up at 7:30 AM) for her, AS well as one whole day a week... Does she not realize I need my rest? And that I'm ALWAYS tired?!?.....
THEN I have people giving out my info to other people without me even knowing, and then wanting to take up my whole weekend... 
Like I'm sorry, I may work, but that doesn't mean I want to give up EVERY SINGLE weekend for your kids... I'm trying to have a life of my own before I have a child and not be able to go out.... UGH. Sorry. I just needed that out.