Doesn't feel real...

Kim • Pregnant with #1 after about a year of trying. Due end of October and very excited!
I'm 14w5d and a FTM. Even though I had 8 full weeks of terrible morning sickness - vomiting every day - and I'm starting to get a cute little bump, I still don't feel like this is real! I have a doppler and let myself use it twice a week to check the heartbeat.  I always find it quickly and it's always a consistent rate. I've had 3 healthy ultrasounds and everything had looked great each time.  But I just still feel like this is all a dream.  We've wanted a baby for so long and spent 9 months getting my hormones level just to have a decent shot at getting pregnant.  Anyone else have no reason to be concerned or worried, yet still just can't help it.  Or feel like it's all a dream and not real?