Closer To Mom, While Becoming a Mom

McKenzie • Expecting TWINS, married 2 years, faith in God, heart stolen by my sweet 4 yr. Old daughter Samantha, Baby A is a BOY💙 and Baby B is a GIRL❤

Do any of you ladies feel closer to your mother's during your pregnancies? Well me and my mother have always been close even during bad times with me and my brother's real father, and even when she met our stepfather. Now that I'm a mommy I know what it feels like to spend my life enjoying the time falling in love, making beautiful lives, and growing knowledge on life and how to live the way I've always dreamed of. Reguardless my mom will always be on speed dial in my heart, and as the years go by I want my children to come to me with anything and that they can trust me of course. So back to the question, do you feel closer? And what is one thing you would always want your kids to know?

-McKenzie 😘🌟

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Posted at
Oh, keep loving your moms and keep growing closer to them! My mom was always my best friend, and we became closer during my pregnancy. Sadly, she passed away from cancer when I was 6 months pregnant with my first. I'm now 8+ months and miss her terribly. Love and hug your moms for me- they are so precious, especially during this journey to motherhood!


McKenzie • May 5, 2015
She's smiling down on you from heaven, and she must be really proud of you for being you, Best wishes and God Bless


Posted at
I agree I too am closer to my mom now! I call her a million times a day. I've learned that there is nothing more special then a bond between a mother and child.  That is genuinely the most beautiful love of all! I want my children to know that family is EVERYTHING. That at the end of the day family is all you need. 


Ingrid • May 5, 2015
Yes yes yes!


McKenzie • May 5, 2015
and I am sure they will never forget that because it's the truth, no matter what you can lean on family and you can share love with family.


Posted at
yes! I truthfully hated my mother before I was pregnant, I thought she was the devil!😂 but now we are pretty much best friends and I love it! 


McKenzie • May 5, 2015
well it's great you and your mother are getting along, I hope everything goes well.


Posted at
I feel so much xloser to my mum since becoming pregnant. I see her almost everyday. I'm so incredibly grateful, she takes me shopping or goes errands for me because she knows that sometimes I'm too sore to go out. I've just moved house and I don't know where I would be without her support. My dad has been the same. It has brought us closer as a family x


Posted at
No, unfortunately. I cannot stand my mother and nothing has changed being pregnant unfortunately! Except I long more than usual for a person who would actually listen and accept me instead of my judgmental, childish, selfish mother. Some of us just aren't as lucky as you! You should definitely appreciate your mother!


Melissa A • May 7, 2015
Thank you!


McKenzie • May 6, 2015
well many joys will come trust there is a plan for you, and I pray things get better not just for being pregnant or a mom for just a mother/daughter bond


Melissa A • May 6, 2015


Posted at
I'm actually not closer to my mom, I think because this is actually my 4th pregnancy, the other three ended in miscarriage, with this one everyone pretty much has had their guard up. I mean she's trying, I'm 38 weeks and she's like anything you need help with let me know, but I'm good and don't want any help, I feel bad but I have my own house and I'm good. She's gonna be in the delivery room though.


Sandra • May 6, 2015
Your right 😄


McKenzie • May 5, 2015
I'm mot saying that a baby has a magical effect I was saying that relationships sometimes get stronger because women go through pregnancy and a mother can be a wonderful guide any woman figure really


Sandra • May 5, 2015
It's not that we're in a bad place or anything we talk all the time I just don't feel like this baby has had some magical effect on our relationship