Sex everyday or every other?

Becca • 38
Did you conceive by bding everyday or every other? So far we've bded everyday. I'm just wondering if it's overkill. Any comments help.
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We did it every other day leading up to my ovulation week, and then every day for the week I was ovulating. We just weren't sure of my exact ovulation time, so we just did it every day to be safe. Worked like a charm and our little girl is due October 26, 2015! 🎀


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Every day is fine as long as your bf doesn't have a low sperm count 😊we concieved 3times with having sex every day x


Becca • May 5, 2015
We haven't tested his sperm, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see if af shows this month. Thanks!


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Every other day. Neither of us would have enjoyed it if we had to do it every day!!


Meghan • May 5, 2015
Oh and got my bfp second month trying. I'm 38+4 now!


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Every other day is totally fine. As someone else said, sperm lives for several days, so as long as you've had sex a day, even two days before ovulation, you've got the right time frame. My dr said every other day, days 9-16 (assuming a 28ish day cycle). I didn't use any ovulation kit this time and that got us PG our 3rd month trying.


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Every day! If there are no issues with sperm count I think the every other day thing is a myth.


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i took an ovulation test on a sunday and it was positive. we bded that night. i felt my my egg being released on monday late morning. we bded again on early tuesday morning. and thats it. got pregnant that month! that was my first month using an ovulation test (our 3rd cycle of trying).


Jamie • May 5, 2015
O gotcha! You are def right then 😄 good luck! Keeping my fingers crossed


Juliana • May 5, 2015
it was a sharp pain on my left side! i had never felt it before but i knew i was supposed to ovulate during that 24 hour period so when i felt it i thought 'that was weird!' lol


Jamie • May 5, 2015
How did you know it was your egg releasing? I've never felt it or thought o have so just curious:)


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Drs say to bd every other day giving your SO's sperm count a chance to replenish. Plus sperm can survive in you for days so bding every other day still means you always have sperm in you.


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I BD'd every 2 days because sperm can live in the vagina for like 3 days or something. 


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Try every other day


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We had sex every day, for I think 9 days straight.


Lorianne • May 5, 2015
Ttc about four months this time. Before during and one day following ovulation (used an opk)


Becca • May 5, 2015
Before, during and after ovulation? How long were you ttc?