Early implantation bleeding, or something else?

Priscilla • ...
My husband and I are TTC and this app has been spot on with predicting my ovulation and period days. I definitely ovulated April 30th, I know this for sure because I'm incredibly in tune with my body and can feel when it happens. Four days after I ovulated, I went to the bathroom and found stringy pinkish red blood on the toilet paper after wiping. I was surprised, because the only spotting I ever have is while I'm ovulating and it's never looked like this before. I shrugged it off and tried not to think much of it, it faded to brown then went away. The next day I had more, only this time a larger amount, nothing like a period but definitely more than the previous day. Again, it was mixed with CM and pinkish red, then tapered back to brown, then nothing. I felt a little crampy, so I thought maybe it could be implantation bleeding, though I've read that implantation doesn't usually happen this early, so I did some research. The internet is NOT a reliable source of information, as every website I visited had conflicting statistics. Some say implantation doesn't occure until a week before your period is due, some say it can start as early as 3 days after ovulation. I was just wondering if anyone on here can give me some input on the situation, possibly your own experiences. I just don't want to get excited for no reason, and it helps to hear from women who have been pregnant before.