
I had a miscarriage in Feb and before this my cycle was always 31-32 days long like clockwork. My first cycle after the mc was 40 days. This time I'm on day 45 and nothing! I don't think I ovulated at all this time and all I can do is sit and wait. I can't even go to the OB until I miss 2 more cycles. 
I have had 4 pregnancies, 2 healthy boys, stillbirth at 22 weeks, and then a miscarriage. I don't get why everything has changed so much and it's leaving me beyond frustrated. Any suggestions? I wanted to have a big family but at this point I feel like I'm running out of time. Im extremely grateful and lucky to have my 2 wonderful, healthy boys but I still want one more. I'm close to just giving up. 
If you read this far thanks for letting me vent! Baby dust to you all!