Coming off birth control

Looking for some input and encouragement from anyone who's had to wait for their bodies to straighten after being on bc pill before getting pregnant. I had to get a provera prescription to get my af back after almost 3 months off the pill and having no af. On the pill for about 10 years with a 2 year break in the middle... When I took the break off the pill a few years ago it took a year to get my af back so I figured it would take a while to get it back once we got off bc to start ttc. Waiting is so hard. I have so many friends who miss a pill and get preg immediately!! Lol. What the heck. Anyways.. What has worked for yall in balancing your hormones? My progesterone is verrry low according to my cd3 and cd21 bloodwork. I think it's just going to take time to get normal again.