Sis-in-law vent

Stacey • Living with recurrent miscarriage, married for 3 years, LDS, and a pre-k teacher.
I just have to vent. She's been in Japan the last 18 months on a church mission, and suddenly having to deal with her insensitive remarks about my recurrent miscarriages is driving me up the wall.
I just got a text that she gave my number to her cousin who has also had multiple miscarriages. She is now getting ready to deliver her 3rd living child and "became a health specialist who ... Knows so much about fertility." She thinks this cousin could help me become pregnant. 
Because 3 years of multiple losses, continually trying, and countless dr visits and tests isn't enough to make me knowledgable about my own fertility. Apparently you have to successfully birth a baby to be that kind of expert.