Dr thought I was lying about getting a bfp :(

Hello... so I had a MC in Feb and it was the hardest thing I have ever went through... the Dr kept telling me how common it was and it wasn't my fault but since my progesterone was so low I felt like it was due to that.. the Dr said as soon as I got a positive test to come see him next time. I took a couple early tests yesterday morning 5 days before missed period and got all positives! I was so excited but worried I should get on progesterone ASAP so I called to see if I could get blood work but they made me come see the dr instead... long story short he and the nurse kinda chuckled at me bc I was so early and acted like there was such a high chance this wasn't even a pregnancy. To make things worse their test came back negative and he kept smiling and asking exactly what brands of test i took like i was making the whole thing up. I told him my fears of not getting progesterone soon enough and he said he doesn't even think it matters but will write me a script if I indeed am pregnant if it would make me feel better. I left very upset and blood test came back hcg 41 so I am pregnant but now I am really scared I jumped the gun bc my numbers are so low and my dr thinks I'm crazy :\.. did anyone else test this early?