Dont wanna go

Daisy??? • Mother of two?cant wait for number three

So tomorrow is the day I find out if I'm prego or not I'm so scared I post some yesterday saying I didn't wanna be pregnant so many ppl misunderstood what I was trying to say about it???

Its not that I don't wanna be pregnant its just wanna be more in a stable financial state I know every body gone say u should of used protection an blah blah or get on birth control an all that but u have to understand this happened when I was with my kids father of 6 years so of course we didn't use condoms for one I can't use them an for two my kids father is too hung down there to use the non latex its not like we didn't try to use them an far ass birth control I cant cause of health problem I had in the past just understand if I am pregnant I am gonna keep the baby an if I'm not I can move forward an plz keep all negative comments to your self I'm just ranting on this an plz don't say take a test I have to get a blood test to see if I'm pregnant