Copy cat - what should I do??

I know my best friend since we're 11 years old (we're 24 years old now).

Everyone always told me that she copies everything I do. For example I dyed my hair black, she did the same shortly after, I dyed it red, she did the same and so on. Style wise she often bought the same clothes I did. That kind of copying... it never really bothered me and I didn't see the a problem but now when I look back.. she chose the same career as I did, she got the same pets after I had mine. I got married last year in August so she pushed her jobless boyfriend of 4 month to a proposal. He proposed but she bought the ring a week after...

My husband and I found out we're expecting and she's the only one who knows until now. Yesterday she told me she thinks she's pregnant.

I have no idea what to say to her anymore.

My husband said she just wants to live my life and if he was me he would have told her to f*** off a long time ago. And that it must be frustrating for me because she's always stealing my moments.

I don't know how to deal with it anymore. She's important to me but I'm getting annoyed with her more and more.

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