Can't stop worrying girls :-(

My first scan is on Friday, I'll be 8weeks 5 days.but my one issue is I just haven't felt very pregnant at all,I keep worrying that I will go in and they'll tell me it's a missed miscarriage.I have had no bleeding or spotting. A little crampy here and there but it came and went. Other than being exhausted and a bit sick when I'm hungry that's literally it.even my boobs don't hurt anymore. I know I can't control it either way but it's getting to the point where I feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack soon. After two losses I'm just really sitting on the edge. I wish the scan was sooner. I live in Ireland and here they don't so hcg levels etc so the only thing I can do is go buy another hpt but that's not gonna tell me if baby is ok. Just feeling really down anyone had no symptoms and gone on for everything to be ok x