So sick of being sick!

Rant here! I know I signed up for this and wanted this when we were TTC but I cannot stand another second of this morning sickness! The constant and nagging urge to vomit that gets so strong at times I have to stop moving or talking and just breath until it passes is killing me! Just when I think I have a grip on it with diet and prescriptions, it gets worse. The meds that have been working (by working I mean allowing me to barely nibble toast) for the last 3 weeks all of sudden just stopped working this weekend. It got so bad that I had to go back to the ER yesterday. They gave me the meds in suppository form but it burns so much when I try and use them. If it were up to me I would stay in bed in the fetal position until this went away but I have this thing called a full time job that I have to go to. I am only 9 weeks pregnant and feel some type of depression setting in. I feel like a failure as a mom for pumping my body with all these meds to try and function through this nausea. I feel like this will never end and I just want to cry but that will make me throw up. The nurse at the ER actually said to me, "being pregnant means being sick" which totally made me feel like a wimp for complaining. I work in a job visiting people's homes to work with their children, so just going to the bathroom means finding the nearest fast food restaurant. That means throwing up really isn't an option. Just going to work gives me anxiety at this point. I want to love being pregnant and the miracle of it but right now all I feel is resentment, failure, and depression.