Oh Baby! 20 Hilarious Baby Onesies

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Ready to win first place at your next pregnant friend’s baby shower? From Poop There It Is to There’s a Nap for That, we bring you 20 of the punniest baby onesies ever. You might even go goo-goo over them ;)

1. Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner ($16): I mean, seriously. NOBODY better put baby in a corner.

2. Poop There It Is ($15): Party people! Remember how awesome Whoomp There It Is was? We need to add that to our Friday playlist for sure.

3. Boobies ($18): Taking a cue from Beavis and Butthead, are we? Your 6th grade math teacher would not be proud.

4. Crawl DMC ($15): The real question is, would a baby wearing this onesie do a duet with Aerosmith?

5. I’m into Zen ($16): For the extremely calm baby, channel a bit of zen.

6. Push it, Push it Real Good ($15): Oooh, baby, baby, baby, baby. Oooh, baby, baby, baby, baby. Get up on this!

7. Mama Ain’t Raisin’ No Fool ($27): Tupac’s mama definitely wasn’t raisin’ no fool.

8. There’s a Nap for That ($13): LOL! This is definitely the best one liner for babies in Silicon Valley.

9. Who’s Your Daddy? ($18): We can’t help but think of Chris Farley in Tommy Boy quoting Darth Vader into his fan… Luke I am your faaaa-ther.

10. I Drink Until I Pass Out ($16): A baby donning this little number is sure to know how to tie one on.