My c-section story.

I had to have an emergency c-section on Sunday morning.... On Saturday I noticed my baby wasn't moving like normal, I tried tons to get her moving but after a few hours I decided I need med to go get checked out. When hubby and I got to the hospital they were able to find her heartbeat but they couldn't get her to move (they tried juice, popsicles, a buzz machine, and an ultrasound). By 1 am Sunday morning they decided to admit me and try iv sugars and another ultrasound. They still couldn't get my baby to move and she wasn't having any variability in her heart rate. So at 7:30am they decided she needed to come out. I had my baby girl on 5/10/15 at 8:20 am, at 34.5 weeks. She weighed 5 lbs 5 oz and was 18 inches long. She has been in the nicu since Sunday but she is doing so well that they are thinking she may come home this weekend. I am so in love with my baby girl. I was definitely not expecting to have a c-section but I am so thankful everything was ok!