A little advice for the moms that are new to breastfeeding

If your baby is having enough wet diapers and gaining weight then you do NOT have a supply issue. 
Baby wanting to eat constantly is not a sign of supply issues, it's a sign of a growth spurt and it's perfectly okay. 
If your nipples are sore, express a little milk onto your nipple and let it air dry, this is a million times more effective than lanolin. 
Breastfeeding is all about supply and demand. Need to increase your supply? Pump or feed more often. Have an oversupply? Don't pump. 
If your supply is dwindling: drink plenty of water, look into lactation cookies, eat old fashioned oats, fenugreek. 
If your nipples are cracked an bleeding, you may need to work on latching issues. 
If you have a clogged milk duct, massage your breasts and use warm compresses. 
Attend a La Leche League meeting, they are super helpful. 
If you're having latching issues, seek the help of a lactation consultant. 
If you truly feel strongly about breastfeeding, use all of the resources available to you but if you find that it's causing more stress than good then it's perfectly okay to quit, it's a personal choice and it doesn't make you less of a mom.