3:05am - feeding my 3 week old

Just Me • Have a 4 year old daughter and a Newborn GLOW baby girl born 22/04/15..so in love 💕
It's 3:05am here in the UK and I'm sat up feeding my 3 week old little girl who is ebf.
  Any other mummies also doing night feeds??
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Posted at
I pump so that daddy can do one every once in a while 


Posted at
It's 2:25am in the U.S. Right now and I've been pumping for 30+ mins. Hubby helped me feed the baby so I could pump. 


Carolina • May 15, 2015
Unfortunately no 😔 I usually get about 3 oz total. Which pump do you have? I have the Medela advanced starter one.


Angelina • May 15, 2015
30 min? You poor thing! I have the two stage pump and it takes me about 10 min, thankfully. I hope you're getting a ton of milk for all that time!


Posted at
4:16 in California and I'm here burping my baby and getting ready to put her back in to sleep! 😊


Posted at
Yup, 2:26 here! Hi 👋🏼