Ultrasound today)

Alina🍒 • Happily married. Baby boy was born 12/17/2015 and our little girl got here on 04/03/2020 ❤️
Just had our second ultrasound today) I am 8+1 and my little guy is actually measuring 3 days ahead! Heartbeat was 175, me and my husband heard it 😊 I am just so happy everything is going well, we lost a set of twins last December (stopped developing at 6.5 weeks) and I feel so much better that our kid made it past 8 weeks 🙏 I feel like I don't have to worry as much, since our chances of a loss are so small now. And our due date would be around the time we lost the other pregnancy, so I feel like it's even more of a blessing! One happy momma here 😄