Getting divorced

Kristina • Mama to 2 boys & 3 step kids
Up until Tuesday I thought everything was fine. We had been trying for a baby for Gods sake. Tuesday morning I get a text message from my husband that he's not happy, needs to start being selfish and concentrate on him and his businesses and wants a divorce. That I can keep our savings money which is in my account anyway and I can keep the rings. I broke down while at work. Texted back begging and pleading that we can work things out and even go to counseling to figure you what's going on and what could have went wrong. He's fooled me up til now. Things we ok and he was distant but still kissed me and cuddled at night. Up until yesterday morning with a other text he says the same things but meaner and crueler. Saying he's been faking it for too long. Saying that us not being able to get pregnant is a sign that we aren't meant to be. May I mind you he has a low count and that's why it hasn't happened. I've been going through an interview process to relocate to Florida which he knew about and was ready and willing to go. We live with his mom right now and he said he won't be an asshole and kick me out but when I'm cleared for the job I can myself. I'm heartbroken. Hurt. I feel abandoned and alone. He said there is nothing we can do and he will not change his mind. Also said he contacted a lawyer and papers will be ready next week. Can it happen so soon if this is so sudden? We have only been married 10 months! How do I cope? So I try to fight this? Let it go? I feel dead inside. I've got nothing to do but go home and lock myself in our bedroom.