😢Post baby body--feeling discouraged

I'm feeling discouraged. 
Baby is almost 2 months old and I've lost 35 pounds since birth and my SO has been making rude remarks (we joke but he takes it too far sometimes) and telling me things like I should only eat one meal per day or finding things we need to do in or out of the house when I ask what everyone wants for that meal.  If I grab a granola bar or a glass of milk or juice after breastfeeding he says "you aren't pregnant anymore you shouldn't be snacking." I think Breastfeeding makes me more thirsty and hungry than pregnancy did! He might mean well but his delivery sucks! 
I needed to lose about 25 pounds before I got pregnant and things are pretty flabby and not toned right now but I can't seem to get it through his head that things aren't going back to normal overnight. I am stuck at the same number on the scale and have been for a few weeks.  I am also breastfeeding and was back to work 2 weeks after I had the baby--I don't have much time for myself. 
How are you new mommys finding time to get back into shape? What are you eating that is healthy but quick?