My husband walks and talks in his sleep.


Ok I'm use to the talking but tonight he was waking. He gout up put of bed, went to the front door, unlocked it, then shut it. I called out to him "what are you doing?"

Him: you told me some you heard someone on the porch I was checking.

Me: no I didn't

Him: I thought you did.

Me: lock it back

Him:hang on I gotta pee

He goes to the bathroom locks the door then comes back to bed.

Me: why do you think I said that

Him: you said to go look

Me: look at what

Him: you said the door was broke and to go look at it

Me: no I didn't

Him: you told me to go out side and check

Me: check what

Him: the tv

Me: why would I have you check the tv outside

Him: the antenna

Me: what about the antenna

Him: stop it I know what your doing and its not funny!

I almost died laughing!!! He has never carried on a conversation that long with me before! 😂😂😂😂😂