

I'm watching my life go downhill and o don't know how to stop it. Its almost tragic. Everything was so good just a few months ago. Got married, got pregnant, moved to a big new house in the city.

Now ex is trying to take my kids, I have to give up the new house and go back to my hometown where there are no nice big houses available for my family of 6, hubs and I are arguing constantly bc of the stress of moving twice in 3 months and the court hearings, now his ex is trying to take him to the cleaners child support wise, lawyers fees and moving fees are really starting to take their toll, I'm pregnant and without insurance bc everything else is taking up all of our money plus we borrowed from my dad but all of it went straight to moving and lawyers. UGH! Life is a finicky bitch these days. Trying to hold my head high and work towards better days BUT...... right now I just want to feel sorry for myself and VENT!!!!!